Washington D.C.: Day 3 Gems and Colorful Churches (Photo Heavy Post)

  On the third day of our trip, we had to check out of our AirBnB and decided we would head back to the Natural History Museum to see the gems and minerals that we had missed the day before. We spent about an hour or longer looking at all the different specimens they had on display. There were so many colors and variations. It was so insanely beautiful. Pictures just don't do any of the gems or minerals justice. We also decided to head back to the gems and mineral museum store to buy my best friend a few gifts and pick up some last minute crystals for ourselves. There's so many different gems and minerals available for purchase, it was hard to decide what I wanted. I still feel like I may have overlooked a few or put back ones I shouldn't have. When we left the museum, we walked to the car through a park that was filled with some cool sculptures.
      After the museum, John took me to this really awesome old church that had been repainted and turned into an art gallery (I think). It was so beautiful,inside and out. There were so many pretty colors and fun designs on the outside. Even the fences and picnic tables were painted, as well as the doors. Inside the church was  room where the walls were covered in vines and plants and the other room has painted walls that displayed beautiful photography of Washington D.C. There was also a room off to the side that was very yellow with really awesome, large flowers that were placed in one of the corners and spread across and down the wall a little bit. There was a chair in this yellow room that was painted a rainbow on the back and white on the front. It reminded me of the zebra stripe gum I used to chew as a child.
      When we were done at the church we headed to Baltimore to visit John's cousin and her husband. We had lunch and few drinks with them and then headed home to see our amazing little fur babies. This trip was seriously so much fun and so amazing. I have way more pictures from this trip then i posted on here but, thats only because I wanted to make sure I saved some pictures for my Instagram.
