Philadelphia Magic Gardens Photo Post

      I have already posted about the Magic Gardens in Philadelphia before, which you can read here, but, I went back recently and just had to share the photos with you babes. Every visit, I find something new that I never noticed before. This place is so insanely beautiful. One of my favorite things about this place is all the amazing mosaics that are on the street and peoples houses and garages outside of the garden. John also realized that part of the mosaics in the garden are sentences that are about the creator and his wife. I've seen the words before but, I never took the time to really read them. I wish I had taken pictures of them so I could share it with you but, you'll just have to visit the place for yourself if you're ever in the Philadelphia area. It's so much fun to walk around and really look at all the different objects used to create the mosaics, you'll find some pretty interesting (sometimes creepy) things.
