Franklin institute in Philadelphia, PA

     With my work schedule it is a bit difficult for my boyfriend and I to have a nice day together. We usually have to do everything on a Sunday because it's the only day I can try to get off of work consistently. He is free on the weekends but, with my job, weekends are when we make the most money. This scheduling thing sometimes makes it hard for us to find things to do in the area. We usually try to go somewhere new when we can and we recently went to the Franklin Institute.
     The Franklin Institute is a really fun place to go but, a small amount of the exhibits are outdated and don't really work well. Even with certain exhibits not currently working, we had a lot of fun. I love it there. There are so many different things to do. My favorite was probably the big heart. I just liked the look of it but, I'm claustrophobic and the inside of the heart is very tight. It was difficult for me to go through but, once I got to the top, I loved it. The entire room around the heart was fascinating to me, although, that is where a lot of the outdated/not working exhibits are. I love the fake snack machine and the noise of the heartbeat. You also get to see a lot of medical related things to the heart, like an open heart surgery on a mannequin. It's really neat because the mannequin has a screen on its chest that is displaying the video of a real surgery and you're watching it as if you are the surgeon doing it.
     A few of my other favorites were the key with the electricity running through it and the fake weather news report area. The entire electricity room is really fascinating and a lot of the exhibits teach you about the environment and how the resources we use day to day affect it. Even the room with the fake weather news report teaches you about the environment and the weather and all of that fun stuff. Its a great place for children and adults. The fake weather news report is really fun. You pick the kind of weather you'd like to report on, stand in front a green screen and practice a script. It then records your video and displays the final result outside of the room. I totally messed up and missed the practice script so I had to just make it up on the spot. John recorded the video and it's pretty much just me panicking and laughing because I didn't know what to say.
     I highly recommend the Franklin Institute if you are ever in the Philly area. This place is seriously a lot of fun. There's even a virtual reality thing in one part. I tried it out but it kind of scared me and i jumped when the giant jellyfish appeared next to me. To learn more about the Franklin Institute click here.
     Also, I want to apologize for how long its taken me to write again. I was in Disney a few weeks ago and got into a small accident 2 weeks ago. I have been really busy with editing photos and dealing with the insurance company and everything that goes along with it. But, I promise to be updating a lot more in the few weeks. I have my trip to Salem, Acadia, and Mystic coming up. Along with quite a few posts about my trip to Disney and a review of some items I recently bought/received from small businesses for that trip. I want to start including more Disney related posts on my blog to incorporate both of my Instagram accounts. One is just my life and every day photos and trips and the other is all about Disney. Get ready for a lot of posts in the next week or so.
